
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Old Methodist Church, Harrison, Boone

Old Methodist Church, Harrison AR
8X10 Oil on Board

This old church is on Stephenson Avenue in the Boone County seat of Harrison, only a few blocks from the town square.  When I was growing up, Harrison was the big city to me.  We went to town every Saturday to shop and buy groceries for the entire week. 

These days, this building is an apartment building and not one for folks making a ton of money.  The ivy growing on it that looks so nice in a painting is most assuredly raising the roof, resulting in extensive damage to the interior of the structure.  It's quite a shame.

This piece was one of the first of my experimentations with painting small, which I think has really advanced my work this past year greatly.  It has given me the opportunity to do many more compositions than I would have otherwise.

I lied a little bit in my last post it turns out.  I've started another landscape from Little Rock and have also been working some other Arkansas scenes.  This is in addition to more still lifes and a couple of beach scenes from Laguna beach!  November has been busy and productive.  No promises on when I'll roll out new Arkansas material.  I've been giving some thought as to starting a second blog for all of my non-Arkansas work.  This would include still lifes, landscapes from elsewhere, my code paintings or anything else that just doesn't fit here.  Anyone interested in seeing these? 


  1. Nice painting John !
    I would love to see your other paintings.

  2. Thanks again Antonin, I think I'll try to get the second one up and running tomorrow.
