
Monday, July 24, 2017

Binary Opposition #3

Binary Opposition #3
30X30, Oil on Panel

My third painting in the Binary Opposition series I did.  The background was completed in only a few hours but the code in this one was extremely painstaking and this one kind of killed my desire to do a lot of these.  I did do a few more but not a whole lot.

Below are some detail shots of the code. Decipher it if you so desire. :)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Waiting Where the Light Goes

Waiting Where the Light Goes
9X12, Oil on Panel

Another from the Arkansas River Trail this spring, just recently finished in the studio.

#16 of 50

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mid Year Review

Ok, so yeah, it's past mid-year but not by a whole lot.  I have never done a mid-year review before so maybe this would be a good practice for me.

Just in the last month or so, I have been witness to some very liberating events.  Some anchors that had been dragging me down have been cut free.  Through the fog, I can see some paths coming into focus with some real important choices to make.  But for now, I can say that I feel more energized about my art and it's future than I have in a long time.  I'm sure this current wave of feelings helps to inspire me to do this review.

1.  Get into another gallery
  • Frame of Mind, Camden, AR
2.  Make 60 blog posts
  • Currently at 27
  • Just a bit off pace but not too far, this can be made up
3.  Complete 50 paintings

  • Currently at 15 of 50 (published)
  • Actual at about 20 of 50 (several yet to be photoed and uploaded)
  • This one is problematic, may not be able to achieve this at this point

4.  Hang in 2 national shows

  • Art at the Center in Overland Park, KS
  • South Arkansas Art Center Juried show in El Dorado, AR

5.  Hang in 4 local or regional shows

  • 0 of 4
  • At this point, I'm not sure there are 4 local or regional shows available

I am definitely off pace in some areas but I've accomplished the biggest goals already.  The 50 paintings goal would be a really good one to make but at the end of the day, 30 high quality  paintings would be better than 50 with several of lesser quality.  It hasn't helped that I spent almost 3 months doing nothing in the studio.  That was a rough time but I hope I'm over it.  The local or regional shows are good but nationals are better and I think I have solid chances of getting into at least one more.  There is also a Regional I intend to submit for that I have solid hopes of making.  I will take another national or two and a regional over 4 local shows. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Portals to Light

Portals to Light
6X8, Mixed Media on Panel

This is a little plein air piece that has been sitting around for quite some time.  I was never terribly happy with the result in the field.  There were a lot of things I DID like about it but it was never really connecting with me.  I knew what it was too and had even written about it before here.  I started this with Golden Opens and it was one of my first attempts at using those.  I was a little bit frustrated that I was unable to make a nice deep dark with them at the time.  I later purchased some new colors so I could get deeper darks but then found myself unhappy with the consistency of the paint and not able to work it like I would have liked.

Regardless, I may still take the Golden Opens with me in a couple of weeks when I travel to Denmark!

Anyway, enjoy this one because I really like the result after the rework with oils in the studio.

#15 of 50

New Gallery Representation

I am very pleased to announce that my work can now be found at Frame of Mind Gallery in Camden, Arkansas.  It is very cool to forge new relationships and this one is particularly interesting since the gallery owners also fellow mountain bikers!  While down there, I got lots of pictures of Camden to work from and even ventured out to White Oak Lake State Park to do some painting.

I have only ever been to Camden one other time in my life and that was about 30 years ago so it was basically like having never been there.  I must admit that we did not even make it to the Ouachita River front area of town.  That will have to be for another trip, perhaps sometime before the holidays when the weather is cooler.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Murmured in Dreams

Murmured in Dreams
9X12, Oil on Panel

Near Steel Creek on the Buffalo River, Newton County.

#14 of 50

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Carry Us All Away

Carry Us All Away
8X10, Oil on Panel

Started en plein air along the Arkansas River Trail and finished in the studio.

#13 of 50

Monday, July 3, 2017

Yesterday's Paths

Yesterday's Paths
6X8, Oil on Panel

A little plein air I started along the Arkansas River Trail before a massive storm rolled in.

#12 of 50