
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

White River Paint Out

As fellow Arkansas artist Bill Garrison reminded me in a comment a few days ago, the White River Artists will be having their 3rd annual plein air paint out on May 19-21.  I will be unable to attend but I'm sure there will be plenty of great painters there and lots of camaraderie for anyone interested in participating.  You can get more information at their facebook page.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hot Springs Fine Arts Center Spring Regional Competition

I have 2 pieces juried into the 2011 Hot Springs Fine Arts Center's Spring Regional Competition.  The opening for the show is this Friday night, April 1st, 2011 from 5 to 8PM at the Fine Arts Center at 626 Central Avenue. This corresponds with the city's monthly art walk.  I should be there for most of that time so anyone in the local area, please feel free to come by and say hi!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

White Hole - Downstream, Marion County

White Hole - Downstream
6X8, Oil on Oak Panel

White Hole is a public access area on the White River just a couple of bends downstream from Bull Shoals Lock and Dam.  This is a very popular area with the fly fishers and really anyone looking to hook a trout or two. There are quite a few resorts on this stretch of the river including Gaston's and the White Hole Resort.  At the top of the bluff shown here is the White River Inn.  I chose to leave it out.

Marion County, I'm not done with you yet.  I know way too many of your secrets!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Train Bridge - Cotter, Baxter County

Train Bridge - Cotter
6X8, Oil on Oak Panel

The town of Cotter sits on the banks of the White River.  This train bridge is just upstream from a vehicular bridge of historical note.  The White River in this area is renown for it's trout fishing.  Cotter has been bypassed by a new stretch of 4 lane divided US 412/62.  I wonder what the future holds for this town?  Often times, when small towns like this get bypassed they just fade away.  Cotter at least has a good deal of tourist trade and maybe it will hang on or possibly even thrive with the better access a 4 lane divided highway can bring.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Augusta House Boats, Augusta, Woodruff County

Augusta House Boats
11X14, Oil on Birch Panel

This was from my recent trip up to Jacksonport and through 4 Delta counties.  Downtown Augusta was deserted when I was there.  It has an intriguing old downtown area but being as deserted as it was, it was forlorn feeling.  Especially forlorn given the overcast nature of the afternoon.  I walked down the middle of the street taking pictures, my only accompaniment a set of windchimes tuned in a minor key.  There is a theater in downtown that must have been beautiful in it's heyday.  Sad state of repair today though, I'm afraid.  I may revisit Augusta to paint that theater.

The town is poised on the eastern bank of the White River.  From about Batesville south to the Arkansas River, the White is navigable by steam ship.  Like Jacksonport, the fortunes of Augusta probably rose and fell in time with transportation.  It was probably a major hub of activity until the advent of trains.

Recently, the only working steamboat on the White River was declared unsalvable.  The Mary Woods 2 was moored at Jacksonport State Park.  It sank in 2010.  RIP.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bull Shoals Lake at Diamond City

Bull Shoals Lake at Diamond City
11X14, Oil on Birch Panel

I guess sailing is becoming more popular on Bull Shoals.