
Saturday, December 4, 2010

ALA Plein Air Event

Yesterday, I received an email from the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Stephens, Arkansas, Mr. Stephen Suffron.  If you will recall, a few months ago I posted a painting I did from Stephens.  You can see it here.  Mr. Suffron kindly asked if he could use that painting and this one on the banner for his church's new blog!  I was honored and you can see my paintings on the Stephens FBC blog.  Thank you Mr. Suffron and I hope to get back down your way early on next year!

Today was the monthly Arkansas League of Artists plein air paint out. This was my first time attending. I had planned on going last month but just got lazy that morning. If I'd had known how great this group was, I'd have gotten my butt out of bed better and gone. I missed a great location last month but this month was probably just as good! This month, the paint out was held on the property of Bob Snider, another local artist who paints in both oil and watercolor. Bob's place is incredible! Just to the west of Pinnacle Mountain State Park, his expansive new studio has a remarkable view of a rugged outcrop of rock called Rattlesnake Ridge. You can see Bob's work on his website here.

Rattlesnake Ridge

Pinnacle Mountain

Bob's Studio

Inside Bob's Studio

Bob's Work Space

Most all of the artists who showed up this morning were working in watercolor.  Only myself and Bob worked in oil today.  I believe we had 10 artists which seemed to be a pretty good turnout but since this was my first time with the group I'm not sure how many they normally get (and my mental tally could be off too!)  I set up in the shadow of Bob's studio and started on the most obvious subject: Rattlesnake Ridge.  I have a thing for rock outcrops and this one is imposing.  I tried to convince myself to go with something different, something less obvious, but I was drawn to the rocks.  I only brought 2 surfaces: an 8X10 wood panel and a 5X7 canvas that's been recycled at least once.  I couldn't bring myself to settle on 5X7 for this!  After a quick oil value sketch I set about working top down as usual for me.  I set the peak of the ridge as my focal point and used the small copse of trees on the valley floor to the left as a counterbalance.  As the sun slowly marched across the sky, I found myself chasing the shade of the studio to keep the glare off my panel.  It turned out to be a great day and got something I think I can be proud of!  After a few touch ups in the studio, I'll get pictures and post it!  I also worked with headphones today which I think helped me relax and work at my own pace and more like I work in the studio.

My Piece from the Day with the Ridge

Caution: Watercolorists at Work!

Ruth Byrn's

Tom Herrin's

Our Gracious Host Bob at work

I regret that I cannot remember everyone's name I met today and that I did not get better pictures of everyone's work but I'll try to do better next month!

Oh!  I have a new county completed!  I just need a good picture of it and I'll get that posted!

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