
Friday, August 27, 2010

Bare Bones, Village at Hendrix Show

Ozark Stonehenge #2
Oil on Canvas, 12X16

Well, it's way past due for another post here.  The above painting is one of 2 pieces selected for the Diamond National Show at the Hot Springs Fine Arts Center.  This is roughly based on an actual location in Newton County between Vendor and Highway 7.  I've painted it before and I expect I'll paint it again.  I'm fascinated by the rocks poking their heads out of the earth poised precariously at the edge of the hill.  In other areas near here, many similar rocks have been uncovered by the processes of rain and have tumbled into piles.  That would also make a few fine paintings!  The Art Center called today and asked if my 2 pieces could stay for another month.  They've gotten a lot of interest so I'll probably be going down there next Friday for the Hot Springs Art Walk and hopefully meet a few people who like my work.

Last night I was in Conway at the Village at Hendrix for a show with the Conway League of Artists.  Hendrix is a prestigious private liberal arts college.  Hendrix was one of my first choices of colleges way back when.  I got accepted and was planning to major in Physics but their scholarship offer was eclipsed by the good old University or Arkansas.  It's hard to beat a full ride for 4 years and Engineering was a much more in demand degree.  Interesting to note, Hendrix also has the ONLY fully sanctioned lacrosse program in the state.  Lacrosse is one of my favorite sports along with hockey.

But I digress.  Hendrix Village is a mixed use development that is being developed by the college (more info on that here).  One of the first residential units is being finished out and the developers wanted to show it off.  They invited the Conway League of Artists to bring some work out with a focus on contemporary pieces so that local interior designers could see the space and maybe get a look at some of the artistic talent as well.  A team of designers will be decorating the home for a month long show beginning at the end of September.  One of my pieces caught the eye of one of the designers and she asked if I would be willing to do more work like that for her space!  I, of course, said yes.  It's a fantastic opportunity and I hope it pans out.  My fingers are crossed!

Below are some pictures from the event.

Yes, that is mine.  I do more than landscapes!

Outside of the building

Beautiful home inside!


  1. Hey John,
    I really like that abstract. You're very well rounded!

  2. Thanks Chad! I should do more of these. People do seem to really respond to them.
