
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back to the Studio and a Very Pleasant Surprise!

Well folks, I'm back from the Los Angeles area and ready to hit the studio again! The trip was great by and large. I got see lots of great art and visited with several artists including one of my absolute favorite artists!

Last week I visited the studio/gallery of Mr. Manfred Kuhnert in Laguna Beach. Earlier this year we purchased one of his pieces. This was the first piece of original art we had ever bought since our walls are usually full to the brim with my own work. However, we were enchanted by his use of color in design so we couldn't pass it up. I had been hoping to get a chance to accompany him on trip to paint out but he is advancing in years and I learned he seldom paints plein air anymore.

On Monday I was treated to a visit of the studio of the EXTREMELY talented and very gracious Mr. William Wray! I've been following him for I guess close to 4 years now. It may not always look like it but I've been influenced a GREAT deal by his work both stylistically and thematically. In particular, I like to think I've learned a great deal about design of sky passages in paintings by studying his work as well as the application of implied detail in "mystery" passages. It was certainly a treat to get to examine many of my favorites in person! I am also very pleased to say that we made our largest art investment ever and I can't wait till it makes it's way to it's new home here in Little Rock! Mr. Wray, if you ever stumble onto this blog, I'd like to thank you for your time and talking with me about your art and your experiences in the art world and most definitely for putting up with a 4 year old in your studio! The Donald Duck has accompanied him almost everywhere since we left your place!

I took plenty of good pictures for future painting fodder both in Laguna and in Pasadena. But first I'd like to complete the two paintings I started before we left. The Magnolia painting is progressing nicely but I still feel like there something missing, like the extra punch is lacking. I may need to take some time to figure out what it's begging for. The small 8X10 of Prescott is in a similar situation. Just a little bit of the right medicine and I think it's going to be grand.

Victoria Beach, Laguna

Pasadena City Hall from Colorado

I had a very pleasant surprise on the voicemail when I got home: I have two pieces that were selected for the Diamond National Show in Hot Springs in August! This is my first national show acceptance and to say I'm excited is putting it mildly. I dont' know how many pieces were accepted total but knowing the space at the Hot Springs Fine Arts Center, it was probably only around 60 or less. To get 2 out of 3 pieces in the show to me is huge. I submitted for this show 2 years ago and was rejected and rightly so, my work was not on par. In some ways, that rejection spurred my desire to improve my skills so in the long haul it was a good thing. One of the pieces accepted is below. It isn't Arkansas related but I'm posting it anyway.

I-110 Southbound, Los Angeles
14X18, Oil on Canvas

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